The criteria for admission and promotion will be the fulfillment of the basic requirements of each function, in accordance with the criteria and objectives predetermined by UNIFORJA.
There will be no discrimination by religion, philosophical or political conviction, nationality, origin, gender, age, color, sexual preference, marital status or physical or mental disability, thus prevailing the technical knowledge and professional qualification of each employee.
UNIFORJA recognizes the right of its employees to associate freely with trade associations and / or trade union bodies, without prejudice and / or constraints to this practice.
UNIFORJA does not allow in its facilities or its business partners the use of forced, analogous or slave labor, restriction of freedom, inhumane working conditions, coercion, false promises, geographical isolation, retention of personal documents, servitude for debt, use of force, child labor, sexual exploitation of adults, children and adolescents and human trafficking for exploitation of any kind or gender.
UNIFORJA expects from its employees, in the performance of their duties, the care and diligence that anyone usually employs in their personal affairs, that is, honest and dignified conduct, in accordance with the laws and ethical standards of society.
It is also expected that all company matters, without exception, will be treated with confidentiality and confidentiality.
UNIFORJA will promptly and rigorously investigate all facts involving suspected fraud, theft, theft, wrong accounting records, misappropriation or any other crime, misdemeanor or unlawful acts, as well as acts that deviate from the procedures established by it.
UNIFORJA is committed to complying with anti-corruption laws that prohibit bribery, kickbacks or other corrupt actions to gain or retain business or any improper advantages.
All of your business partners and / or suppliers are expected to comply with applicable laws and to prohibit under any circumstances from directly or indirectly offering / receiving any form of bribe, kickback, other corrupt payment or anything of value to any person of the Company. organization internally or externally.
It will be up to each employee to ensure, for themselves and others, a pleasant and healthy environment, in all aspects, thus avoiding such practices.
UNIFORJA expects in the relations between its collaborators, cordially in the treatment, healthy coexistence, mutual trust, mutual respect and dignified and honest conduct, regardless of any hierarchical position, position or function.
It will be up to each employee to ensure, for themselves and others, a pleasant and healthy environment, in all aspects, thus avoiding possible embarrassment.
It is also forbidden to practice harassment, sexual or moral harassment, and any conduct that may characterize this type of practice should be reported to your superior or the UNIFORJA Board, through the current communication channels.
Eventually, if such occurrences are found, corrective and preventive legal disciplinary measures will be taken to curb and remedy this type of event.
Aiming at the well-being, safety and productivity of employees, it will not be allowed, in the workplace, possession or consumption of illicit drugs and alcohol, which may change their behavior and attitude, as well as the possession of weapons, except for expressly authorized persons, responsible for the safety of other employees and UNIFORJA’s assets.
Marcos M. Medeiros